New Guide: Telling Your Craft Beverage Story

An established craft beer brand in Colorado recently approached the team at Market Your Craft to discuss strategies for expanding to new markets. They have a strong backstory, but struggle to achieve the same fanbase and retail support further from home. But why the difference?

Friends enjoying a drink photo for storytelling postThe answer could be relevance. Fact is, not everyone will connect with your story in the same way. Drinkers close to you may see firsthand the great work you do to support businesses, charities and the community. So, a social post about a clothing drive for nearby homeless shelters would mean more locally than it would to customers in a distant metro area. Even broader-interest content around an active, outdoor lifestyle still may not connect with someone who doesn’t know you, or know why they should care about you.

To address this opportunity, we conducted an on-site workshop to deconstruct all the stories they had told themselves about their brand, only to rebuild them in a way that lands with today’s customer in their target markets. With humility and objectivity, together we addressed the following crucial areas of high-performance storytelling:

  1. Understanding your craft beverage superpower
  2. Knowing what’s sacred in the stories
  3. Identifying why customers should care (about you, your brand, your product)
  4. Defining good, better and best customers in your target market(s)
  5. Sizing-up the competition to find niche opportunities
  6. Selecting the most effective media for the message
  7. Budgeting accordingly

Being open to the process and a critical review of their marketing efforts led them to make huge strides with their storytelling strategy. Moving forward, that strategy can serve as the basis for a marketing blueprint around social, digital, public relations, events, packaging, point of sale and all other aspects of a successful rollout to new geographies. Who said a decades-old craft brewery can’t reinvent themselves to compete in today’s crowded selling environment?!

Do you have a similar opportunity to drive traffic, build engagement and capture new sales in your market and beyond? The same storytelling workshop conducted on-site is now available for you to purchase and download immediately.

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